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Choosing wood floor environmentally

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Environmentally choosing wooden flooring | Floor Fitting Experts

Choosing your type of flooring while keeping in mind important questions such as the environment, pollution and saving nature not only makes you a good consumer but also is a guarantee for an eco-friendly way of life and its benefits and positive affection on your own life. Floor products with natural character not only contribute to saving our planet and making it a better place for the next generations but also bring the long-lasting power of the organic textures and structures, which practically exist forever in their real habitat and for significantly longer than the manufactured products, when placed in the industrial habitat of your home.

In addition, the natural products are good for your health, preventing allergies and don’t require a strong chemical treatment, which can further affect your well-being. Wood is a great example of eco-friendly choice and with the variety of wood floor styles, designs, wood floor installation options, colours and textures and the classic, elegant and rustic vibe and the extra durability the material brings to every house, it is a surprise why someone would choose something different. If the wood is your flooring of choice, this is the first step to the better and environmentally life you provide to yourself and your family. In addition there are a few more tips on how to make your wood flooring purchase even more eco-friendly.

Choose a manufacturer, who have a correct policy

It tends to be a hard task, but you should be sure where and how the wood material for your house comes from. Choosing a manufacturer, who have a correct policy for wood production is essential for choosing the best wood flooring option for your home. Keep in mind the licensed manufacturer provides not only wood with a clear origin, according to the high ecological standards, but also wood with high quality and real species. The correct manufacturer will use wood only from timber providers, who source according to the ecological requirements. How you can orient yourself? Just ask for certified manufacturers by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Buy from the local market

And by buying from your local market we don’t mean your local industrial materials store, but that it is better to buy wood products, sourced near you, in your country. Always ask for the origin of what will be your future wood flooring and skip the long miles shipping from distant places. The benefits of buying locally are many, including being eco-friendly, local economy support, the advantage and delight of using products your own land can offer, etc.

Choose natural finishing products

Choose finishing products, sealants and dyes with natural origin. The low content of chemicals is good not only for the environment but also for your flooring and for you and your family. Try to ask the sanding and sealing experts for products with natural derivation or low content of powerful chemicals.

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